Taking Steps Before You’re Ready

I’ve been watching my one year old learn how to walk and It’s been an incredibly humbling and inspiring experience. Her tenacity, courage and resilience has been incredible.

I can’t count the amount of times she’s fallen over, flat on her face, never mind the amounts of bumps and bruises to her beautiful little head.

But she kept going. Getting up fall after fall. Sometimes there were tears, other times acceptance or laughter, but what remained the same was her sheer persistence and determination.

I think about my own experiences of falling down. Or even lack of experience. I think what is more painful for me than all the bumps and bruises I’ve accumulated in my life, are the times that I’ve failed to take those first brave steps due to fear or perfectionism or some limiting belief that I hold. 

So it’s with this thought that I take my first humble steps in writing my first blog post. It’s with this inspiration that I send this out to the world; imperfect, but authentic.

I’m sure there will be many stumbles, mistakes and perhaps some bruises along the way, but I’m convinced that it’s in these moments that our resilience is formed. It’s our willingness to be vulnerable which makes the difference between whether we follow our dreams, grow and reach our potential or whether we stay stuck, perhaps comfortable, but with the ache in our heart that we know we’re not living up to who it is we could be.

So in the words of Brene Brown;

I choose courage over comfort. 

Where could you be more courageous in your own life? Take those first steps and risk falling down in order to grow or learn or to satisfy some deep longing?

