A Love Letter To My Emotional Eating

I decided to write a letter to Emotional Eating.

Contrary to popular belief, I’ve grown quite fond of emotional eating. I didn't always feel this way and so I wanted to write this letter..

Dear Emotional Eating,

Wow, for so long you were my greatest friend and my biggest enemy. You caused me so much pain and were my reason for everything that was bad in my life. I therefore can’t believe, after all these years of being in what I perceived as an abusive relationship with you, I’m writing you a love letter.

First of all, thanks for being there for me. You’ve been my most reliable ‘friend’ when I didn’t know how to navigate the ups and downs of life. You were there for me when I didn’t have the skills to be there for myself. You were there while I travelled, moved cities and countries, went through painful breakups, huge losses and unbearable grief. 

You have also been there throughout some of my most joyous and celebratory moments; Birthdays, graduations, fun nights out with friends, falling in love, new adventures, just to name a few. We have been through a lot together, you and me.

You taught me a lot. Mainly about myself and how I want to live my life. It was through you (once I stopped blaming you), that I realised that you were only trying to help me, all this time. 

I now realise that I was holding a lot of grief and a lot of pain and I didn’t know how to be with it yet. So I learnt to lean on you. I was also caught up in dieting and didn’t know how to care for myself fully yet, and so again, I was drawn to you. You were actually trying to protect me…. So really I should be thanking you.

Yes I know, it’s true, our relationship was probably a little co-dependent. And while I thank you for being there for me, it’s also true that I needed to learn some other skills so that I could really be there for myself. I learnt to see you as an alarm bell and as a tap on my shoulder, telling me that something was up. I learnt to work with you and not against you. To see you as trying to protect me and as my friend.

And I made other friends at the same time. I started meditating, practicing self compassion, being kind to myself, allowing for imperfections, connecting to my body and my deeper needs as well as asking for support.

You taught me how to look after myself. You also taught me about pleasure and joy and I’m so grateful for that. Because of you I laugh more now. I make more time for play and pleasure and feel much more fulfilled. You also taught me to enjoy my food, to stop depriving myself and to allow food and life to satiate me.

So thank you. We’ve grown a lot together and our relationship has changed over time. You’re not my only friend now, but you’re still a much loved one.

So much love to you emotional eating.

(No doubt, I’ll see you soon as my baby was up all night last night and a coffee and muffin will really hit the spot)!